Step into the world of Estonian cuisine, prepared onsite by Tore Toit's skilled chefs. Discover local favorites after the bike tour or tasting the Estonian 2-course lunch menu as our chef guides you through each plate, sharing tales of tradition and flavor. Or join our cooking class to learn the secrets behind these beloved dishes, made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Taste Estonian cuisine at its best: local, fresh, and bursting with flavor.

Tallinn Food and Bike Tour

Start: 12:00, Vene 33, Tallinn
Duration: 3-3.5 h
Price: 79 EUR per person

We, Estonians, have a deep connection to food. We like to know where it comes from and prefer local products over anything else. Authentic Estonian taste is pure, fresh, from local ingredients and produced locally.

Estonians believe that when hosting guests, dishes should be plenty and everyone must be well fed. Therefore, we start our tour with some sightseeing to make space for all this food. The tour starts from the UNESCO World Heritage Site old town and covers: the seaside of Tallinn, Noblessner, the Patarei sea fortress, seaplane harbor, lovely Kalamaja neighbourhood and the Balti Jaam market. You’ll have time to visit the market and taste some local food already. But we remind you that the full food experience will start at the end of the cycling part, enjoying a generous local food tasting at City Bike Kitchen. There will be enough food to cover lunch, a local drink is also included. City Bike Kitchenis koos rikkaliku valikuga Eesti toidust.

Estonian 2-course lunch menu with local drink

Start:13:30, Vene 33, 2nd floor
Price:27 EUR per person
Advance bookings only!

According to a stereotype, Estonians (and Finns too, for that matter…) are one of the most antisocial people in the world. That one place, where the otherwise seemingly cold and distant Estonians open up, is the dining table. Food is meant to be shared and cherished, fresh cucumber salad and flavorful chanterelles passed around with lively conversation accompanying it. Come join our local chefs from ToRe Toit after an informative stroll on bikes around the city, taste delectably fresh seasonal Estonian dishes and feel as if you are at home.

Eesti toidu töötuba

Group size: min 6 to 15 inimest
Price: 59 EUR per person
Place: various options, depending on group size

Advance bookings only!

Good food is always an experience. Authentic Estonian taste is pure, fresh, from local ingredients and produced locally. Estonian cooking class is a culinary journey through Estonia where we learn to cook authentic and traditional Estonian dishes - the ones that we love and eat on a daily basis. The class not only imparts culinary skills but also offers an entertaining and fun-filled atmosphere, ensuring a memorable exploration of Estonia's rich gastronomic heritage. You will cook a typical Estonian 3 course meal that we will consume together.  


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