Home Restaurant

Home Restaurant offers more than just a meal; it's an immersive journey into Estonian cuisine and culture. We warmly invite you to experience authentic Estonian life as we live it. Our menu showcases beloved Estonian dishes, complemented by insights into our lifestyle and traditions. Each dish we serve carries a meaningful story, adding depth to your culinary experience. Located in a traditional 1960s-built residential building in Tallinn and also in North-Estonia, near the Neeruti Landscape Reserve, our establishments each have their own unique narrative to share. Join us for delicious food and good times, enriched with tales of Estonian heritage and flavor.

ToRe Home Restaurant

ToRe Home Restaurant Located in a detached house constructed in 1960 within the Kristiine private houses district, ToRe Home Restaurant presents a four-course tasting menu featuring Estonian cuisine. Our menu harmoniously blends traditional flavors with innovative twists, offering familiar dishes served in a fresh manner. Indulge in Estonian classics like potatoes and pork, curd, fish, and black bread, alongside seasonal delicacies. Emulating the atmosphere of home gatherings, we serve our food by passing plates around, creating a convivial setting filled with lively conversation and anecdotes from our everyday lives. Join us at ToRe Home Restaurant for a culinary experience that celebrates Estonian heritage while embracing culinary innovation.

No of participants:10-20 pax indoor, up to 50 pax outdoors Lunch or dinner
Advance bookings only!

Neeruti Home Restaurant

Neeruti Home Restaurant sits beside the Neeruti Landscape Reserve, serving up authentic Estonian home-cooked meals. Our menu changes with the seasons, offering fresh ingredients straight from the garden. Enjoy Estonian classics like potatoes and meat, alongside fresh cucumbers prepared in various ways, mushrooms, and forest berries. 

Pair your lunch or dinner at Neeruti Home Restaurant with a scenic walk or bike ride in the Neeruti Landscape Reserve. Wrap up your outdoor adventure with a satisfying Estonian meal at our restaurant. Neeruti Landscape Reserve The Neeruti Landscape Reserve may be lesser-known, but its beauty is worth discovering. Join us to savor delicious food and explore the charms of this stunning region! Tule ja naudi meie maitsvat toitu ning avasta selle kauni piirkonna võlusid!

No of participants:10-100 pax
Lunch or dinner
Advance bookings only!

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