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Majestic Moose Dining

Let's bring moose meat to the table! While many people may believe that moose can only be made into smoked sausage and preserves, the truth is that the meat from Europe's largest land mammal offers much more. We present a 7-course dinner that showcases the best dishes that can be prepared from moose: utilizing every edible part, from nose to tail, and even including a dessert sourced directly from the habitats of these majestic animals. Alongside our menu, we provide a curated drink package, offering both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options to complement your dining experience. 

Põdrast inspireeritud restoran debüteeris Kehtna Kutsehariduskeskuse õpperestoranis Neljapäev, kus see oli ülimenukas. 

Time: November-December when the hunting season is on
Place: Order for your selected group of friends or collective at your preferred location
Price: alates 60 EUR inimese kohta. Küsi pakkumist oma seltskonnale


Fish is a tempting choice!

Throughout history, Estonians have relied on the bounty of water bodies for their meals. However, it's worth noting that Estonian fish can be hard to come by in markets, leading to a decline in fish consumption despite its natural appeal. 

Our 7-course dinner menu celebrates Estonian fish, roe, and other seafood sourced locally. Featuring dishes crafted from lesser-known Estonian fish prepared in both traditional and innovative ways, we aim to reintroduce these flavors to the table. Even dessert receives a nostalgic yet modern twist. Join us as we rediscover the richness of Estonian seafood in a culinary journey like no other.

Kalarestoran toimus 2023. aastal Kehtna Kutsehariduskeskuse õpperestoranis Neljapäev, kus külastajad olid toitudega väga rahul. 

Time:Apil-May when the fishing season is in full spin
Place: Order for your selected group of friends or collective at your preferred location
Price: From 45 EUR per person. Ask for an offer for your group


We live in one of the most forested countries in the world so it is only natural that the forest is part of our culture. We love to walk, hike and bike in the forest. Almost every family has its own secret place for picking mushrooms and berries. So that you can experience it all yourself, we take you out of Tallinn and into nature where a rich meal at a forest stop waits. We offer Estonian national cuisine, an integral part of which is forest products - mushrooms and berries 

Time: year around
No of partixcipants: 10-50
Price: 60 EUR per person
Ask for an offer for your group

Advance bookings only!

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